Demos and Events

CBS Morning News

Dec 29, 2014

The SIM Lab had its first national TV news coverage on a CBS morning news. The feature titled, "Georgia Tech Lab Turning Computers into Companions", includes demos of Crystal Chao's thesis work on collaborative dialog, and Baris Akgun's thesis work on learning from demonstrations.

AAAI Learning by Demonstration Challenge

August 2011

We participated in the AAAI 2011 LfD challenge. The task was to learn food preparation tasks using the PR2 platform. We showcased our Keyframe-based LfD approach, allowing participants to demonstrate various tasks to the robot using a combination of trajectory, keyframe and hybrid demonstrations. The demonstration ran for three days, interacting with 100s of AAAI attendees.

CHI Interactivity Demos

April 2010

CHI Media Showcase provides a venue for researchers, practitioners, and artists to demonstrate prototypes and systems in a variety of formats. We took Simon and did a mixed-initiative Active Learning demonstration, where Simon learns the constraints of a clean up task. The showcase ran for four days, interacting with 100s of CHI attendees.